FOUNT Courselets

Courselet Title Description Author
Data Analysis in pandas This courselet provides background information on using the pandas library in python. It focuses on . . . David Koop
Data Cleaning This courselet provides information on using pandas to do data cleaning. Data cleaning is the . . . David Koop
Machine Learning Process This introductory level courselet on Machine Learning Processing. Pedro Ramonetti
Data-Tranformation Data transformation is the process of converting data from one format to another. This can be done . . . Manvitha Kuncham
Data-Integration Data integration is the process of combining data from different sources into a single, unified . . . Manvitha Kuncham
Using cloud servers for GPU-based inference Machine learning models are most often trained in the cloud, on powerful centralized servers with . . . Fraida Fund
Using edge devices for CPU-based inference This experiment demonstrates using an edge device for machine learning inference, focusing on image . . . Fraida Fund
Inspecting network traffic with tcpdump and Wireshark In this experiment you will practice using tcpdump and Wireshark, two software applications for . . . Fraida Fund
Connect Google Colab to a server on Chameleon This allows you to run experiments requiring bare metal access, storage, memory, GPU and compute . . . Fraida Fund
Teaching computer networks on Chameleon This repository collects network topologies + configurations for teaching computer networks on . . . Fraida Fund
Network emulation When we do experiments involving computer networks, we often want to “mimic” specific network . . . Fraida Fund
Initializing a VM at KVM@TACC with multiple storage volumes This artifact initializes a VM at KVM@TACC with multiple storage volumes using the CHI and Cinder . . . Erez Zadok
Benchmarking DISK IO Performance This courselet covers the importance of disk I/O benchmarking for system efficiency, detailing the . . . Erez Zadok
Disk Partitioning Demo In this courselet, you will learn how to perform disk partitioning and file system management tasks . . . Erez Zadok
Software RAID 0 (Disk Striping) RAID (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks) combines multiple disks to improve performance or . . . Erez Zadok
AutoLearn Autonomous Cars Guide to setting up and activating RC car edge devices with donkeycar software to implement . . . Alicia Morel
Spark: Exploratory Data Analysis Learning Objectives:
– Understand the advantages and disadvantages of Spark when working with Big . . .
Pedro Ramonetti
Dask: Exploratory Data Analysis Learning objectives
-Understand the advantages and disadvantages of Dask when working with Big . . .
Pedro Ramonetti
Spark: Machine Learning Process – Familiarize with Spark’s MLib
– Apply ML models using Spark
Pedro Ramonetti
Introducing Python to the Geoscience Classroom Unlock your students’ potential to use Earth data in this artifact. Explore the opportunities for . . . Joanmarie Del Vecchio
Deploy a Kubernetes cluster Launch a 3-node Kubernetes cluster, for use in teaching cloud computing. Fraida Fund
Reproducing “Deep Neural Nets: 33 years ago and 33 years from now” Reproduce a deep learning result from 1989 as a learning exercise. Fraida Fund
Data Acquisition – Locally Generated Data This courselet will use a Raspberry Pi 4, and use sensor(s) that provide data. The students will be . . . Yash Kurkure
Data visualization using charts Core Learning outcomes:
Learners will acquire fundamental skills in creating data visualizations . . .
Manvitha Kuncham
Selection-Brushing Course Outcome:
In this courselet, the focus is on utilizing the Vega-Altair module for interactive . . .
Manvitha Kuncham
Machine Learning Processing In this courselet, you will learn the fundamental process to build a machine learning model, from . . . Pedro Ramonetti
Data Acquisition – Remote Experimental Data This courselet will teach students how to acquire data from a remote source; it will use the data . . . Yash Kurkure
Data Acquisition: Generic Remote Data In this courselet, the students will learn to acquire data from the World Wide Web space. Students . . . Yash Kurkure

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