FOUNT Courselets

Courselet Title: Using cloud servers for GPU-based inference

Author: Fraida Fund
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Machine learning models are most often trained in the cloud, on powerful centralized servers with specialized resources (like GPU acceleration) for training machine learning models. These servers are also well-resources for inference, making predictions on new data.
In this experiment, we will use a cloud server equipped with GPU acceleration for fast inference in an image classification context.
This notebook assumes you already have a “lease” available for an RTX6000 GPU server on the CHI@UC testbed. Then, it will show you how to:
launch a server using that lease
attach an IP address to the server, so that you can access it over SSH
install some fundamental machine learning libraries on the server
use a pre-trained image classification model to do inference on the server
optimize the model for fast inference on NVIDIA GPUs, and measure reduced inference times
delete the server
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