FOUNT Courselets

Courselet Title: Selection-Brushing

Author: Manvitha Kuncham
Contact Email:


Course Outcome:
In this courselet, the focus is on utilizing the Vega-Altair module for interactive data visualization.
It enables creators to use declarative specifications in JSON to produce visualizations with specified interactions.
Highlighting Implement highlighting by changing the color, stroke width, or size of selected points.
Hover Selection Implement selection triggered by hovering over data points.

Courselets Usage Logistics:

Intended Audience:
Individuals with foundational knowledge in Python programming and data handling.
Suitable for those seeking interactive data visualization skills using Python.

Engagement in Experimentation:

Hands-on learning with interactive exercises using Matplotlib and Vega-Altair.
This courselet provides practical insights into interactive data visualization using Vega-Altair.
Participants will gain proficiency in selection, highlighting, and linked highlighting.

Link to Artifact:

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